Monday, December 24, 2007


Advergaming is the practice of using video games to advertise a product, organization or viewpoint. The term "advergames" was coined in January 2000 by Anthony Giallourakis who purchased the URLs along with The term Advergames was later mentioned by Wired's "Jargon Watch" column in 2001, and has been applied to various free online games commissioned by major companies.

Advergaming normally falls into one of three categories:

ATL Advergaming
Examples of ATL advergames include Promotional software.
At first a company provides interactive games on its website in the hope that potential customers will be drawn to the game and spends more time on the website, or simply become more product aware. The games themselves usually feature the company's products prominently. These games are often reworked arcade classics but occasional gems can be found such as the Dyson game, Intel's IT manager Game, a classic from Nurofen or the recent 3D real-time advergame developed for Toyota.

The earliest custom video games featuring integrated brand messages were distributed on Floppy disk in the era before substantial penetration of the World Wide Web. The first floppy disk advergames were developed to serve dual purposes — as promotional incentives that drive response and as media that deliver awareness. American Home Foods Chef Boyardee brand issued the first-ever floppy-disk advergame[citation needed]. Other early brands to use the format were Coca-Cola and Taco Bell, which distributed games as "kids' premiums". The first in-box CD-ROM cereal box advergames were Chex brand's Chex Quest and General Mills' All-Star baseball, the latter starring Trix Rabbit and his friends playing baseball against Major League teams and stars.

With the spread of broadband internet, more in-depth advergaming games have been made possible aside from the simple arcade style flash games and larger games that are confined to being distributed on disc only. Kuma Reality Games is a developer of free advergaming games. One of their games, The DinoHunters is a full first person shooter based on the Source Engine that is released for free due to companies such as Schick sponsoring the releases and having their products featured prominently in game as well. Accompanying machinima episodes have been created alongside to help advertise the products also.

BTL Advergaming
Examples of BTL advergames include Militainment, Recruitment tools, Edutainment, and In-game advertising.
In the second form, games are published in the usual way and cause players to investigate further. The subjects may be commercial, political or educational. Examples of this form of game include recruitment tools like America's Army, intended to boost recruitment for the United States Army, and Special Force, intended to promote Muslim resistance to the state of Israel. Two soft drink mascots have also appeared in their own game. Pepsiman and Cool Spot were title characters in games promoting Pepsi and 7 Up, respectively. The most recent use of this form of advertising was the use of the King mascot from hamburger chain Burger King as the star of three video games titled the King Games series. Games themed for a specific sporting organization such as the NFL or Formula One racing can also fall into this category.

Two examples of educational advergaming, called Edumarket game, are Food Force (made by the United Nations' World Food Program) and Urban Jungle, an educational traffic simulation.

Another BTL advergame technique consists of advertising within a game itself. Since the intent of in-game advertising is commercial rather than political, some consider such advertisements to make up a category of their own. However as with the above mentioned BTL advergame forms, it is the techique by which the propaganda is purveyed rather than the nature of its intended audience which defines in-game advertising as a subset of BTL advergaming and not its own category.

In-game advertising is similar to subtle advertising in films, where the advertising content is within the "world" of the movie. A fictional example is Pepsi banners lining the inside of a virtual Soccer stadium in a video game made by EA Sports. A final (but weak) example is a regular banner ad in a free small-time browser strategy game. This can be a way to combat costs that the game makers encounter and reduce the cost of the game to the consumer (especially games with monthly fees) while providing an outlet to advertise ones product. It also currently helps many people sustain free online games. This method of advertising in offline games is somewhat controversial; however, as players may feel the game makers are being greedy by gaining money from the advertising without offering the game at a reduced price.

TTL (Through the Line) Advergaming
Examples of TTL advergames include link-chases and ARGs.
A rare form of advergaming, TTL advergames involve the use of URL hyperlinks within the game designed to induce the player to visit a webpage which then contains BTL advertisements. The technique used to tempt the player into visiting the intended URL varies from game to game. In games like Pikmin 2 the player is given a cryptic message with an accompanying URL designed to pique the curiosity of the player. In games such as Enter the Matrix,Year Zero, I Love Bees, and Lost Experience, URLs make up a part of the background of the game such that certain plot details can only be learned by following the link given in the game. The knowledge of such plot details are typically not required to complete the game, but make for a fuller story for fans. Websites of this nature often lead players on to other links which again lead to further links, thus earning these games the label "link-chases."

With the growth of the internet, advergames have proliferated, often becoming the most visited aspect of brand websites and becoming an integrated part of brand media planning in an increasingly fractured media environment. LifeSavers started a game site called Candystand that has blossomed to a portal for many different advergames and at its peak was averaging more than 1 million unique visitors a month.

Advergames theoretically promote repeated traffic to websites and reinforce brands. Users choose to register to be eligible for prizes which can help marketers collect customer data. Gamers may also invite their friends to participate, which could assist promotion by word of mouth, or "viral marketing".

Friday, December 21, 2007

IT Portfolio Management

IT portfolio management is the application of systematic management to large classes of items managed by enterprise Information Technology (IT) capabilities. Examples of IT portfolios would be planned initiatives, projects, and ongoing IT services (such as application support). The promise of IT portfolio management is the quantification of previously mysterious IT efforts, enabling measurement and objective evaluation of investment scenarios.
IT portfolio management started with a project-centric bias, but is evolving to include steady-state portfolio entries such as application maintenance and support, which consume the bulk of IT spending. The challenge for including application maintenance and support in portfolios is that IT budgets tend not to track these efforts at a sufficient level of granularity for effective financial tracking.
The concept is analogous to financial portfolio management, but there are significant differences. IT investments are not liquid, like stocks and bonds (although investment portfolios may also include illiquid assets), and are measured using both financial and non-financial yardsticks (for example, a balanced scorecard approach); a purely financial view is not sufficient.
Financial portfolio assets typically have consistent measurement information (enabling accurate and objective comparisons), and this is at the base of the concept’s usefulness in application to IT. However, achieving such universality of measurement is going to take considerable effort in the IT industry.
IT Portfolio management is distinct from IT financial management in that it has an explicitly directive, strategic goal in determining what to continue investing in versus what to divest from.
At its most mature, IT Portfolio management is accomplished through the creation of two portfolios:
  • Application Portfolio - Management of this portfolio focuses on comparing spending on established systems based upon their relative value to the organization. The comparison can be based upon the level of contribution in terms of IT investment’s profitability. Additionally, this comparison can also be based upon the non-tangible factors such as organizations’ level of experience with a certain technology, users’ familiarity with the applications and infrastructure, and external forces such as emergence of new technologies and obsolesce of old ones.
  • Project Portfolio - This type of portfolio management specially address the issues with spending on the development of innovative capabilities in terms of potential ROI and reducing investment overlaps in situations where reorganization or acquisition occurs. The management issues with the second type of portfolio management can judged in terms of data cleanliness, maintenance savings, and suitability of resulting solution and the relative value of new investments to replace these projects.
Information Technology portfolio management as a systematic discipline is more applicable to larger IT organizations; in smaller organizations its concerns might be generalized into IT planning and governance as a whole.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How to Negotiate With Your Landlord

Do you know how to negotiate with your landlords before signing on your leasing agreement? No problem I have some suggestions for you which make your negotiation process easy for you. These simple suggestions will work for you. When I am moving to my Atlanta apartment I have found these points worth sharing and which are important for those who are about to move to their new apartment.

Read the document of leasing agreement thoroughly. If you don’t understand any of the agreements then point them out on the spot and get clarified on them. If you feel uncomfortable with the lease or want someone to review it, ask to reschedule the lease signing. Negotiate only to the concerned person who has the authority in making changes. The perfect time for the negotiations is at the time of signing the leasing agreement. Do not ask any questions before completely reading document. If the landlord resists putting any changes in writing or seems offended or hurt by your negotiation, be ready to reassure your landlord that you trust him or her. Be polite when you are negotiating. Do not get hostile in any circumstances. Do not make any ultimatums like unless you agree or I won’t sign until, etc. Choose only those issues which are worth negotiating, do not choose simple or small issues and waste your time and energy.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

How Kids Learn Things!!!

Through toys. Yes!! Through toys, through games, through books, through music and like things children learn things. Their character also builds by the way they play. There are brain building toys for children. Puzzles, painting, building & construction toys, comic stories, mathematics make thinking and apply brains of the kids. Self learning is effective compared to learning by some ones influence. So let children learn themselves. Parents should only monitor them in learning right things providing guidance but not influence. Some times you have to behave like children to make them feel that you are loving them and caring for them.

Bring them the toys which educate something in some manner or the other when children playing with them. Get to know about the new arrivals in the market if you have a child ready for school. Allow your kid to join with fellow kids of similar age group. But before allowing make sure that the fellow kids are good to play with your child because, kids learn from kids. They behave like their fellow kids whom they are playing with. Bad things are easy to learn and quickly. So keep watching how your kid is playing with toys or fellow children. . It is your responsibility makes your children become good.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Checklist of questions to answer before you select a particular mannequin

Mannequins are also called silent salespeople as they make product appealing and attack customers. People always react better when they see clothing as it should be worn. Buying a Mannequin, new or used, can cost you more. Let me give some tips to make sure you buy right mannequins for right products.

The following is a checklist of questions to answer before you select a particular mannequin:-
  • What type of mannequin shall I get? It is based on your business, products, requirements you need to select the type of mannequin. There are different types of mannequins available for different requirements.
  • How do I decide on which style mannequin stand to get or what pose the mannequin should be in? It is after you choosing what style of mannequin you want to buy. This is again followed by features of the mannequins like.
    • What size are mannequins?
    • What type of mannequin stand shall I get?
    • What type of mannequin base shall I get?
    • Which mannequins are easiest to dress?
    • How much do mannequins cost?
  • Cost of the mannequins varies from high-end and low-end based on mannequin’s styles. Branded mannequins may cost you more. Less expensive mannequins have stiff poses which takes more time in dressing them.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

About me


I am Morgan Trent based out of Houston. I am a Construction Electrician by profession. My hobbies are Skate Boating and Surfing.