Monday, March 17, 2008

The view of Earth from space

Have anybody had got the idea of looking the earth from space. I am a common man, and its impossible for me to do that so I decided to surf the internet and just as a glance I saw some images of Earth on web. So I became very curious to know all why, when, where, what questions of Earth. And that curiosity turned into hobby. Earth from space—from overviews of deserts, jungles, ice caps, volcanoes and weather patterns, to an enormous cloud-covered sphere just outside the spaceship's porthole, to a tiny blue-white marble hanging in the inky blackness, the view from the moon. There are many people who add added a narrative of quotes from astronauts and cosmonauts from different countries, most written especially for the project. The view from space is a synoptic, all-in-one-eyeful view of our home world. We didn't take advantage of it right away for science, though. Space imagery has been practical first and scientific a distant second, for the most part. The earliest synoptic images were those taken by weather satellites and military sky spies, and both activities are still going strong.
The first astronauts took pictures out their little portholes. They were great documentary photos, but about as useful for science as the snapshots I've taken through airliner windows
Before we went into the depth of learning about the space, science fiction stories treated space travel as a new form of air or sea travel. Nobody thought the real space program would be like riding a giant wheel—we get on, go in circles, then come down, and while we're up there we look mostly down at the ground. But the real payoff of space, for Earth science and for every other human endeavor, has been the new vantage point we get to look at Earth itself.
The biggest Earth-watching satellite program is probably the Earth Observing System (EOS) program. Check out the Earth Observatory to see the scope of this enterprise, which is much bigger than I have space to review. Among other things, there is a thorough treatment of satellite imagery, as good as a full-fledged seminar on the subject.
James Irwin, USA: One of the famous astronauts who have gone into space had said about it in this way “The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hanging in the blackness of space. As we got farther and farther away it diminished in size. Finally it shrank to the size of a marble, the most beautiful marble you can imagine. That beautiful, warm, living object looked so fragile, so delicate, that if you touched it with a finger it would crumble and fall apart. Seeing this has to change a man, has to make a man appreciate the creation of God and the love of God.”

The need of customer engagement

CE marketing is necessitated by a combination of social, technological and market developments:
Businesses are losing the power to dictate the communications agenda:
The effectiveness of the traditional ‘interrupt and repeat’ model of advertising is decreasing.
  • Customer audiences are smaller and specialist: The fragmentation of media and audiences and the accompanying reduction of audience size have reduced the effectiveness of the traditional top-down, mass, ‘interrupt and repeat’ advertising model. The adoption of new media.
  • Customer audiences are also broadcasters: A company’s position is no longer just inside consumers’ minds. As they increasingly speak their minds with the power for circulation and permanence of CGM, businesses lose the power of shouting over everyone else. Instead of trying to position a product using a couple of static messages that will themselves become the subject of conversation amongst a target market that has already discussed, positioned and rated the product, companies must join in. This also means that consumers can now choose not only when and how but, also, if they will engage with marketing communications, they can rely on CGM. In addition new media themselves provide consumers with more control over their advertising consumption
Decreasing brand loyalty:
The lowering of entry barriers (such as the need for a sales force, access to channels and physical assets) and the geographical widening of the market due to the Internet has brought about increasing competition. In combination with lower switching costs, easier access to information about products and suppliers and increased choice customer loyalty is hard to achieve.

The increasing ineffectiveness of TV advertising due to the shift of consumer attention to the internet, the ability, within new media, to control advertising consumption and the decrease in audience size is bringing about a progressive shift of advertising spending online

The proliferation of media that provide consumers with more control over their advertising consumption and the simultaneous decrease of faith in advertising and increase of faith in peers point to the need for communications that the customer will desire to engage with. Stimulating a consumer’s engagement with a brand is the only way to increase brand loyalty and, therefore, “the best measure of current and future performance”.

CE is the solution that marketers have devised in order to come to terms with the social, technological and market developments outlined above. In a nutshell, it is the attempt to create an engaging dialogue with target consumers and stimulate their engagement with the brand. Although this must take place consistently both on and off-line, the Internet is the primary vehicle for doing so.

CE marketing begins with understanding the internal dynamics of these developments and, especially, the behavior and engagement of consumers online. That way, business opportunities can be identified. The control Web 2.0 consumers have gained must, and will be, quantified through ‘old school’ marketing performance metrics.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Purchase decision

Once the alternatives have been evaluated, the consumer is ready to make a purchase decision. Sometimes purchase intention does not result in an actual purchase. The marketing organization must facilitate the consumer to act on their purchase intention. The provision of credit or payment terms may encourage purchase, or a sales promotion such as the opportunity to receive a premium or enter a competition may provide an incentive to buy now. The relevant internal psychological process that is associated with purchase decision is integration.
Post purchase evaluation:
Once the consumer has purchased and used the product, they will evaluate their purchasing decision. They compare the product's performance with their expectations. If the product does not perform as expected they will experience post purchase dissatisfaction. When consumers purchase high involvement products, that are more expensive products for which they exert a greater purchasing effort in terms of time and search, they usually experience some level of discomfort after the purchase. That is, they experience some doubt that they made the right choice. This situation is called 'cognitive dissonance' (thinking disharmony). You should consider the implications of post purchase behavior for the marketing organization. How can the marketing organization minimize the likelihood of post purchase dissatisfaction and/or cognitive dissonance?
The relevant internal psychological process that is associated with post purchase evaluation is learning. According to Belch and Belch (2007) discuss two basic approaches to learning theory behavioral and cognitive learning theory. Behavioral learning theory proposes that stimuli from the environment influence behavior.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Dumbbell Exercise Program

The following dumbbell exercises provide enough variety for you to do a nice workout at home or at the gym without having to use barbells or weight machines. All major muscle groups are covered if you do all of these exercises. Read up on the beginner information before starting these exercises if you need it that you need to take the exercises at home or gym or consult the doctor if everything is fine you can continue the following exercises. There are 10 kinds of exercises with dumbbell they are as follows:
  • The Dumbbell Arm Curl
  • The Dumbbell Overhead Press
  • The Dumbbell Bent Over Row
  • The Dumbbell Chest Press
  • The Dumbbell Lunge
  • The Dumbbell Shoulder Squat
  • The Dumbbell Triceps Extension
  • The Dumbbell Front Raise
  • The Dumbbell Squat
  • The Dumbbell Concentration Curl
The essentials you need to follow at the time of exercising are as follows:
  • Warm up with light cardio and a few lift with a lighter weight than you use for the main workout.
  • Do 3 sets of 12 exercises with 1 to 2 minutes rest in between sets.
  • The exercises above are arranged in a sequence that you can follow to alternate muscle groups.
  • Choose a weight that enables you to perform 12 lifts in one set.
  • You should be able to finish the twelfth lift of each set, but it should require solid effort to do so.
  • Always practice good form when lifting.
  • Cool down with stretching and/or light cardio.