White Russian creamy cocktail is made with Vodka or kahlua coffee liqueur and milk. It is easy to make and liked by most of us, served with rocks or highball glass over ice. Only 4 to 5 ingredients are needed for this. Take rocks or highball glass and fill with ice cubes then one and half ounce of vodka into the glass. Pour half or one half ounce of kahlua into the glass, these kahlua can pour before vodka or after. Then cover the glass with half and half milk. The kahlua will store at the bottom of the glass with dark color, complete contrast to milk.
Vodka will mix with the milk because both are of same color. The drink is ready but if you want you can garnish it with single maraschino cherry. It can be rested on the surface of drink and will be supported by the ice cubes in the class. You can also fix a stemmed cherry that has not speared with a tooth pick.
Drink can be served with a cocktail straw; this enables the ingredients to be sipped from the bottom of the drink or you can serve without any straw, enjoy Russian creamy cocktail.
Vodka will mix with the milk because both are of same color. The drink is ready but if you want you can garnish it with single maraschino cherry. It can be rested on the surface of drink and will be supported by the ice cubes in the class. You can also fix a stemmed cherry that has not speared with a tooth pick.
Drink can be served with a cocktail straw; this enables the ingredients to be sipped from the bottom of the drink or you can serve without any straw, enjoy Russian creamy cocktail.