There are so many drugs like heroin, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, etc. person has to face many problems by using these drugs. There are many effects on health and brain caused by using drugs.
There are some psychological effects such as changes in central nervous system and dilation of the blood vessels and increase in heart rate. After consumption, brain damage is also included, as brain cells die. Primary effects of drugs are on neurons which use the chemical serotonin to communicate with other neurons in brain. An important role is played by the serotonin in regulating mood, sleep aggression and sensitivity to pain.
Confusion, sleep problems, depression, severe anxiety, drug craving are produced by drugs addition. These drug users have poor performance than nonusers on certain memory tasks. Consciousness, thoughts and mood are altered by drug addiction. People may feel nervousness, paranoid, excitable, confused because of lack of sleep. They also feel overexcited, uncomfortably restless, nauseous, unable to cope up with emotions, panic, insomnia and psychosis.
These are psychological effects which are caused by using drugs and sometimes these may lead to death.
There are some psychological effects such as changes in central nervous system and dilation of the blood vessels and increase in heart rate. After consumption, brain damage is also included, as brain cells die. Primary effects of drugs are on neurons which use the chemical serotonin to communicate with other neurons in brain. An important role is played by the serotonin in regulating mood, sleep aggression and sensitivity to pain.
Confusion, sleep problems, depression, severe anxiety, drug craving are produced by drugs addition. These drug users have poor performance than nonusers on certain memory tasks. Consciousness, thoughts and mood are altered by drug addiction. People may feel nervousness, paranoid, excitable, confused because of lack of sleep. They also feel overexcited, uncomfortably restless, nauseous, unable to cope up with emotions, panic, insomnia and psychosis.
These are psychological effects which are caused by using drugs and sometimes these may lead to death.