is the method of growing plants in a nutrient rich water medium
without using traditional methods of growing in soil medium. Various
mediums can be used in hydroponics ranging from gravel, perlite,
fired clay balls, fiber glass to sand.
- Types of plants suitable for hydroponics: The plants in hydroponics gardening are anchored to the growing medium and almost any type of plant can be grown by hydroponics. Following are a few plants that can be grown in hydroponics:
- Vegetable plants (cucumbers, tomato, pepper, squash)
- Kitchen herbs
- Flowering plants
plants growing in hydroponics, the nutrient solution provides
nutrient to the roots directly.
plants with shorter roots and denser root balls grow well in
hydroponics. Most of the energy is used for plant growth instead of
root growth. Plants with large roots such as radishes, potatoes,
carrots cannot be grown in hydroponics gardening.
- Growing medium
- The main purpose of the growing medium is to aerate well, support the root system of the plant, and to channelize the nutrients and water properly.
- Hydrocon is one of the fastest draining mediums, which is an expanded form of clay aggregate.
- The other type of growing medium used is rock wool that is generally pressed into growing blocks and cubes produced from lime stone and volcanic rock.
- It is commonly used for propagation purpose.
- Nutrient medium
- The nutrient solution of the hydroponic medium contains all the elements that a plant needs to grow.
- Similar to soil, hydroponic systems can be fertilized with chemicals and organic nutrients.
- Chemical nutrients can be used as the main food supply along with organic nutrients.
- pH
- Plants grown in hydroponics require a pH of 5.8 to 6.8. Testing the pH of the nutrient medium is easy and is essential in hydroponics system. Testing can be done using the common pH measuring kits available in the market.
- In case pf pH alterations, the level can be adjusted by adding sufficient amounts of potash in case of raising it and phosphoric acid to lower the pH.
to build a hydroponics garden
- The first step in making a hydroponics garden is that decide what you want to grow specifically.
- Ensure the number of plants of a particular type to be grown and decide it properly.
- Depending on the number of plants, estimate the size of area needed.
- Evenly mark and space four inch holes for th4 inch pots for placing in them.
- Make a hydroponic medium of water and fertilizers by maintaining the pH of 5.5-6.5. plant the seedlings by taking them out of their pots and washing away any soil if present on the roots.
- Now, place clean seedlings in the growing medium and in to the hydroponic solution.
- Control chemical balance of nutrients to water by adding more water because water will be evaporated very quickly.
- Keep plants away from pests and also look over if any root rotting occurs.
- Harvest when needed and flush the entire system and sterilize using copper sulphate solution and peroxide to kill mold and bacteria.
made from plants grown by hydroponics are not only rich in nutrients
but also taste better. A yielding garden can be made in less space
with the right plant selection and by keeping the pests away. This
article helps one to know the major considerations and the right
steps to follow while starting a hydroponics garden.
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