Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What is Stomatisis?

Stomatisis is a common mouth disease that occurs in people of all age groups. It is an inflammation in the parts of the mouth. Parts like cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and other parts may have the inflammation. This inflammation is known as Stomatisis.

Stomatisis degrades the person's appearance and make him discomfort while eating, talking or sleeping. This inflammation can be caused by various conditions in the mouth itself such as poor oral hygiene, dietary protein deficiency, poorly fitted dentures, or it may be effects of entire body such as taking medications or because of allergy or because of any infections in the body.  

Canker sore and cold sores are the two types of stomatisis which forms in the mouth. Canker sores look like a single pale or yellow ulcer with a red outer ring. A cluster of such ulcers are formed either on the cheeks, tongue or in the lip.

Cold sores are also known as fever blisters filled with fluid. These are commonly found on the lips, gums and the roof of the mouth. They cause tingling, tenderness, or burning. They ultimately lead to stomatisis.

You can find out the stomatisis by the irritation caused by the biting of cheek, tongue or lip, wearing dentures or having a sharp broken tooth, chewing tobacco, burning sensation when you eat or drink hot or cold food items, when you have gingivitis, or when you are under any medication.

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